Level 6 Unit 4 Lesson 2剑桥动画中文剧本脚本
标题:A Big Fish 人物: (Focus,小机器人); (Tom,小男孩)。
Focus(看着Tom说): Tell me your story about Sunday. (你周日都干了些什么呀?)
Tom(抬头作思想状,头顶出现一个思想泡,泡里是Tom一家(有爸爸妈妈、Lily还有Hatcher)来到湖边野餐的画面): Well, it was a sunny day so we went to Otter Lake and we had a picnic. (那天天气晴朗,所以我们去奥特湖野餐。)
Focus: And? (然后呢?)
Tom(再次出现思想泡,泡里是Tom走到湖边准备游泳): Then after the picnic I went swimming because the water was warm. (吃完饭后我就去游泳了,因为水很暖和。) Focus: You had a picnic and went swimming. What happened then? (你们去野餐了,然后去游泳了。然后呢?)
Tom: Well, Lily was scared of the fish in the lake, so she didn't go in. (嗯,Lily很害怕湖里的鱼,所以她没有进去。)
Focus(点点头): I see. Lily didn't go in, but you did because you weren't afraid. (明白了。Lily没有游泳,但是你游了因为你不害怕。)
Tom(支支吾吾地说): That's right. But... a fish bit me.(是的。但是......一条鱼咬我了。)
Focus(捂住嘴巴,惊讶地说): No! (哦不!)
Tom(头顶出现思想泡,泡里是Tom从湖里出来,走到爸爸妈妈和Lily身边,说了些什么,然后其他人大笑): Yes. I jumped out of the water. I wasn't afraid, but I was angry because everyone laughed when I told them about the fish. (是的,所以我上岸了。我不害怕,但是我很生气,因为我把这件事告诉他们的时候,他们都笑了。)
Focus(睁大眼睛): Was the fish big? (那条鱼大吗?)
Tom(想了想说): I didn't see it, but I think it was really big. (我没看见它,但是我觉得它应该很大。)