顶级动画新闻:Mizchief,OIAF投掷这个,Elon Musk和更多! 鸣叫 张贴在2017年8月25日:由菲利普马克 标签:动漫动画电影游戏和谐顶级动画 新闻电视故事板专业新闻客户故事 顶级动画新闻是一个每周专栏,它囊括了动画世界 最大、最好和最坏的故事。本版涵盖8月18日至25, 2017日。
1。温斯坦公司陷入了“ 泥潭”。 Harvey Weinstein and co. have officially entered the animation industry with new label Mizchief, launching with the August 25 released of ballerina feature “Leap!“。著名的制片人的儿子启发了公司的名称和性质以及它的内容。Weinstein is quoted as saying, “Animation is a playful new direction for us and I’m thrilled to expand the TWC repertoire into a whole new category of films for our kids to enjoy and for us to enjoy with them.” Mizchief’s next animated feature will be “The Guardian Brothers”, starring Meryl Streep、妮可基德曼和爱德华诺顿。 在“截止日期”上 增加更多信息。
2。“神秘主义者”是新一代女性的第一部动画片。 Premiering on August 28, “Mysticons” is a new kind of female-driven action animation — both on-screen and behind the scenes. With a main cast of diverse, empowered women warriors, it offers role models for an socially conscious generation of girls and boys. Toon Boom spoke to series creator Sean Jara and Nelvana animation director Matt Ferguson about the inspiration behind “Mysticons” (produced in Harmony and Storyboard Pro). 进入香椿博客的“神秘”行动。
三。成为OIAF的一部分! 下 个月,加拿大首都将成为动感宇宙的中心。9月20日至24日,渥太华国际动画节(OIAF)已经为它的投 稿打开了这篇文章!竞争。In partnership with Corus Entertainment and Toon Boom, 10 pitches will be selected; participants will be paired with a mentor to develop their concept before it is presented to industry experts and an audience including over 300 potential buyers and financiers. The winner will receive a deal from Nelvana, plus licences and training for Toon Boom Harmony and Storyboard Pro 2D animation software. 拿 起更多信息在球场上!在“儿童屏幕”上。