1. 女生洗头发,发现掉了很多头发
女生台词:Oh my god, I need to change my shampoo. It’s not helpful at all.
2. 女生买洗发水,老板推荐 SHISEIDO shampoo
老板台词:SHISEIDO shampoo is particularly designed for your issue. You should try this, you will love it.
女生台词:Yah, I will take this
3. 男生带耳机边走边跳舞(特效+bgm)
4. 男生碰到女生 头发,脸红
男生:Hey, your hair smells so good.
女生: really? I changed the shampoo yesterday.
男生 : Yes, your hair is absolutely stunning and flowless.
女生:Thank you. You are so nice.
男生:May I have your phone number?
5. 画面切,产品出现(特效)
Three advantages for SHISEIDO LIVE ACT SHAMPOO
1. To prevent hair loss.
2. Make your hair fragrant and smooth for the whole day.
3. Easier to get a boyfriend or girlfriend.
6. 男,女生开心的在一起