It seems the worse things get in the world, the better features that are animated, based on superheroes or are live-action adaptations of cartoons do at the box office. Of the highest-grossing films of 2017 thus far, eight out of 10 fall into these three categories, with the two exceptions being “The Fate of the Furious” and “Get Out”. 其中的动画特征是“卑鄙的我3 ”,“乐高蝙蝠侠电影”和“老板宝贝”。 逃到“华盛顿邮报”的全面分析。
动画学生Nick Ladd在虚拟现实(VR)中几乎完全把他的 动作“逃逸”了出来。Using a combination of drawing software Quill and VR animation program Animivr, he created all of his assets inside virtual 3D space over the course of four days — including frame-by-frame animations of his protagonist. While the technology and medium are relatively new, it allows for surprisingly mature art; animators can literally create 3D structures and scenes in the air in front of them. 捕捉 上面的VR动画“逃逸”,找到“FASCO”的完整故事。
6。YouTube在暴力视频游戏中拔 出广告。
看起来YouTube更喜欢他们的视频而不是视频游戏。数字内容平台已经开始封 锁某些暴力内容的广告。In their algorithm’s crosshairs are video games, particularly those involving heavy gun use — making it nearly impossible for creators to monetize. 随 着美元的减少,许多人现在转向了包括Patreon和Twitk在内的替代性平台。 阅读更多 关于“福布斯”。
7。甚至Elon Musk都是“瑞克和莫蒂”的粉丝。
就 代言者而言,Elon Musk是世界上最好的。这位企业家、工程师和周围的超级天才最近推特说他是“瑞 克和莫蒂”的粉丝。The Adult Swim series, produced in Toon Boom Storyboard Pro and Harmony, is currently airing its third season and has evolved from cult favourite to cultural phenomenon. 获得更多关于艾伦马斯克的赞同“逆”。