Kirk还为我创建了导出脚本,并将它们放在工具栏按钮中。因此,当我完 成我的动画,我按下按钮,字符,法线和发射地图,如Bitey的发光的眼睛,出口作为精灵表,准备连 接到虚幻引擎4。
如何创造一个和谐的游戏不同于动画短片或电视连续剧? AP:也许只是我,但动画游戏感觉更有趣。我认为这是因为我把人物塑造成许多不同的状态和他们 之间的转变。在一天结束的时候,你可以看到十几个里程碑完成,感觉你是一个生产力的大师。这与 拍一部短片或电视连续剧非常不同,在短片或电视连续剧中,你倾向于从可能需要几天或几周的完整 场景来考虑进展。
你对BrackenSack的分配目标是什么? AP: BrackenSack is for sale on our website in early access, which means you’re buying it in an unfinished state, but you get free updates every three weeks as we polish the game and release new features. The great thing about releasing something in early access is that the fan community wants to help with testing, bug reporting and general feedback and suggestions. 资料来源:亚当·菲利普斯。 为了帮助分发,我们也想 得到一些口碑传播,让人们和他们的朋友一起玩。Buying the game gets you five free friend codes; for the price of a single purchase, someone can play immediately with friends on our dedicated servers. The second half of this year is our projected Steam launch, by which time we hope to be finished with features and can take a break. 之后,我们在寻找任 天堂交换机的移植。这是一个相当大的一年。 在布拉克肯塞克,你最激动的是什么? 你已经开始玩了吗?请在下面的评论中告诉我们!